Thursday 12 June 2014

First Shoot

Well, we have our first tattoo shoot done and dusted. Our model for the day, Maegan, was amazing. It is always a bit awkward doing a portrait sitting in nothing but your skin, but she was great, and very patient as we took our time to get the image 'just right'. Maegan was a little nervous for the first 5 minutes, but totally relaxed by the time we had finished.

The one thing I found so different from the other portrait sittings we do is that we are concentrating on one part of the body more than anything else. Maegan has a NZ fern on her left side. So instead of just putting her in front of the camera and taking a portrait to suit her, we had to work around the tattoo. What a great challenge. And as you can see, we managed to show off her one tattoo quite nicely...
Model: Maegan Legg                    Tattoo Artist: Rob Hapeta, Tattoo Fusion, Levin

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