Sunday 10 August 2014

29th Shoot - Puppy Love

Sheryl arrived with Bell, her 1 year old puppy. Bell wasn't there to be in the photo shoot, but she certainly made her presence known. I kept getting distracted by her adorable attitude.

Sheryl's tattoos are an amazing riot of colour. They travel along the shape of her body perfectly. There are quite a few coverups which you can't pick up. The new tattoos represent fresh starts, cover up the old with the new and improved.

The paw prints on her back suited this shoot so well.

Model: Sheryl Brightwell

Tattoo Artists:
Nick Fletcher - Flamin Art, Wanganui (right shoulder, back, right thigh, inner arms)
Steve Curtis - Monster Ink(Egyptian Gemini)
Hemi - Womad Paepae (ta moko left thigh)
Kim Brightwell (ta moko left wrist)

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